- What do you specifically define as torture? Are any of the practices currently in use by our forces torture? Under what circumstances should they be using torture?
- What is your view of the Military Commission Act of 2006? Do you agree that Guantanamo detainees should be stripped of the right of habeas corpus?
- Is the separation of church and state a valid constitutional concept?
- Is destroying a blastocyst composed of 150 undifferentiated cells murder? If so, does the blastocyst have a soul? If so, what happens to the soul when the blastocyst is destroyed? Do you approve of embryonic stem cell research?
- In your view, what is the approximate age of the earth? Who do you think is most likely to be correct? Scientists who estimate 4.5 billion years or creationists who say 6000?
- Do the people of muslim nations have any valid reasons for being angry with the United States? What are they?
- In retrospect, was the invasion of Iraq a good idea? (Actually, this was asked in the last Republican debate and most of the answers were appallingly asinine.)
I'll get into the reasons why I'd ask these questions in a later post. Right now, I'm going to read Blogger Help and learn how to get fancy...
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